Welcome To The Brainstorming Site... Of Chess !


This site is dedicated to all who are fascinated by the best of the games and who would like to have fun.  You will find a selection of diagrams where you have to find "the right move", the winning move !

My story with chess starts in 1970 at high school Bernard Palissy in Agen, France.  At this time I was 11.  It has been a long time I wished to learn how to play chess and I liked the game right away.  To such point that I spent the next hour free time class to write down the rules so that I won't forget them !

Later I discover that there was a chess club in the city of Agen.  Its name was "Echiquier Agenais".  I remenber until now the first game I played there with a gentleman named Mr Menu.  Mr Menu, it was his real name, was an elderly gentleman who played chess very well !  So true that he beated me that day.  Mr Menu always had a good joke to tell us, assuring it was a true story.  One day as he was attending a tournament, he answered his opponent who asked him to fill the game sheet that he had aristocratic origins and was named "Menu de Restaurant" (!), the other guy while writing down the name on his sheet was interrupted by one of  the Mr Menu's co-teamer who told him that the real name was "Menu" full stop.  And the opponent wrote "Menu full stop" on his sheet !

So let's brainstorm now...

Let's have a first look to the following diagram.


The 3 pawns are facing each other and seem to annulate their action however whites win...

All the diagrams have been sorted out under the following titles:

whites capture a pawn    blacks capture a pawn
whites capture a knight    blacks capture a knight
whites capture a bishop  blacks capture a bishop
whites capture a rook blacks capture a rook
whites capture the queen  blacks capture the queen
whites get "quality"*  blacks get "quality"*
whites promote a pawn  blacks promote a pawn
whites mate black king   blacks mate white king

* "quality" is the exchange of a minor piece like a knight or a bishop against a much powerful piece like a rook !

Click here to start and... have good brainstorming !

If by any chance you have difficulties finding solutions, you can go to it by clicking "solution" !

If you have solved all the diagrams, bravo !  I have for your deep thoughts 
a mate in 16 moves.

Leave me your impressions...


Philippe Canteau

19 rue de Coeuilly

77340 Pontault-Combault


Tél.: 01 70 10 41 30


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A must be seen - The Chaotic Game - Thanks to Chess Graphics !

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